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"Sa bei doar apa minerala,
Sa vrei sa ajungi zilnic la scoala,
Sa ai o viata normala..
Nu incerca asa ceva acasa, nu..
Mai bine te opresti, si-o faci in gand
Nu incerca asa ceva acasaaaa .. "

Makes no sence to you .. but it does to me marți, martie 04, 2008 |

I so couldn`t give a fuck more !

but in my head there`s this song that keeps sayin` "I couldn`t love you more ... "

Etichete: ,

... joi, ianuarie 17, 2008 |

I was just thinking about how time passes .. and we don`t even notice .. But if we take a second and think about it .. we see how most of the things have changed ..

It`s like .. you`re this cute puffy yellow duckling, and time is like the wind always blowing in your face .. Sometimes it knocks you back, it being stronger, and you`re just a poor ducky .. but you have to get up and try to move on .. And slowly your fluffy exterior gets blown away, piece by piece, lost in time, unveiling your first feathers .. And still, moving on, at some point .. you`ll stop, look at yourself and see that everything around you changed .. The fluffy ball that you once were will only remain a fading memory ..

Anyway, I just wanted to post a quote form a beautiful movie that I MUST see again, sometime soon ... The Shawshank Redemption .. But apparently I ended up talking about some other thing .. again .. :) ..

I have to remind myself that some birds aren't meant to be caged. Their feathers are just too bright. And when they fly away, the part of you that knows it was a sin to lock them up DOES rejoice. Still, the place you live in is that much more drab and empty that they're gone. I guess I just miss my friend.


Dar e ... !!!! miercuri, ianuarie 16, 2008 |

Oh god .. this definitely deserves its own little post :)) .. Me and Danii were just talking .. and .. we ran into some fooonny words like ... "Stofa" and "Shaiba~" (on shaiba~ we laughed our asses off on new years party) :))

Dar e STOFA !!!

.. it`s just like .. "awww ain`t that cuuuute .. but it`s WRONG !" .. "But it`s STOFA !!!" :))

(Stofa is the name of some material .. that we both don`t like :) .. it`s just wrong for so many reasons)


Melpomene |

:) Heys !

.. a new quote of the day .. goes to Danii :)

Ioana: like the song ?
Danii: yeah
Danii: sounded cool
Danii: is convins ca maine o sa mi placa si mai tare

(the last line means "I`m sure that tomorrow I`ll like it even more")

And of course the song I`m talking about is gonna be on this blog :P .. Very very nice song .. Kashmir - Melpomene :D ... I didn`t want to listen to the song at first cause I wasn`t in the mood .. but when I actually got to listen to it I was in love with it :P .. So yea .. started to throw it to my friends :D

Here`s the song.. enjoy ! :D It`s been a long time since I heard such a nice song :D

Thanks to the people who shared the song ;)


.. /die sâmbătă, ianuarie 12, 2008 |

So .. I reaaaally don`t understand people anymore.
It`s like, I get a present, and they keep asking me oh do you like it, bla bla bla .. and although I don`t really like it .. I pretend and say yea sure it`s nice thank you and shit .. just cause it`s polite. Plus I am really annoyed by the present but still .. I shut the fuck up and move on ..
After 3 days, they come and keep bugging me with the fucking present.. Like .. "oh my god, do you really like the present ? cause I got the feeling you didn`t and bla bla bla .. " .. and I`m like .. "well .. yea .. it`s oki ... but .. " .. and start telling why I don`t really really like it .. but still I apreciate the gesture and such .. And then they get mad .. cause they can`t face the reality .. You bought someone crap !
That`s what you get for not asking first ! .. Plus .. why the fuck do you keep pushing it ? If people lie, they get a bad reputation .. and all that shit .. If people actually tell the truth to your face, you get upset and they are the bastards.

For fuck sake, if you can`t handle the truth don`t fucking ask for it !
It`s not just the present case today .. it`s everything .. If someone asks you "does this look good on me ?" what the fuck do they expect ? The truth from a friend "take it off it looks like shit" .. or they just wanna get it from a complete stranger ?
So people .. if you don`t wanna know the truth .. don`t ask for it !

.. and btw .. it was my birthday .. thanks to all the people who actually were kind enough to remember .. Yea I know it happens .. I also forget about birthdays sometimes .. but still :) ..

.. Anyway .. have a happy year and stuff like that ! .. Since this is my first post from 2008 .. it`s bullshit anyway ! ..

.. LEARN ! ..


Tag, you`re it :) luni, septembrie 17, 2007 |

.. yea .. well .. am primit tag de la Anya .. bine .. cred ca nu e primul, dar cred ca au mai fost in perioada in care mi-era cam lene de orice legat de blog .. So .. de data asta..

.. one of the best songs, in my oppinion ..

Enjoy ! .. Si .. dau mai departe la .. hmm .. Vlaaad !

Etichete: ,

Don`t you want somebody to love ? duminică, septembrie 16, 2007 |

When the truth is found to be lies .. and all the joy inside you dies ..

this lyrics keep following me .. they are not only in my head, they were with me last night .. Saw things in a way, everything was almost ok .. woke up to one reality, and a few hours later it turned out to be .. completely different .. everything gets fucked up .. including you .. How the FUCK do you even have the nerve .. to ask "don`t you want somebody to love" .. Who in his right mind would want that ? .. I just want to get the fuck away from everything, and she`s all like "you`d better find somebody to love" .. Isn`t that ironic ? .. Don`t you think ? A little too ironic .. (see the lyrics in a previous entry) .. Too many ironic stuff goin` on ..
Don`t even know what to say .. Just like in that movie, Antenna .. it`s like someone stole my words .. then dried them up and sold them as cookies from door to door.. Wouldn`t that be a hell of an idea ? .. I think I`ll just buy the 18+ boxes .. More "fuck off"s there, and "leave me the fuck alone" .. Maybe a bunch of "i don`t fucking care", "don`t give a shit anymore".. Actually, I`d like a few of them boxes of "fuck".. I`ll manage with just that word

I miss dancing on the beach .. :( .. No lies there .. no bullshit, just you, the breeze, the waves.. the sand that gets absolutely everywhere .. and a lot of people having fun .. You don`t like someone there, well .. doesn`t matter .. you`ll probably never see him again.. You like someone ? .. Well .. you`ll probably see him every year :) You`ll just have a lot of time to be free .. of worries, of everything .. a lot of time to dream .. Dream about making your room a little sand box, with fishing nets and sea shells.. Sleeping on your own private beach every night, looking at the moon through your window .. and dreaming .. (yea .. gotta love that idea of Vlad.. although I laughed, I still can`t wait to see your dream come real.. go for it !) .. But some dreams just remain dreams, and they make you happy by just .. being there .. in your head ..

.. I am sorry ..

.. sorry .. forgot the answer .. NO !

Etichete: ,

Just myself, just a walk .. miercuri, iunie 20, 2007 |

ey, haven`t posted anything in a few days. I said I`ll post some quotes of the day, but .. I haven`t :P .. so .. here are some quotes for the previous days :) ..
- said by some friends to me:
"it`s like I`m dating the male you"
"da de fapt nici nush de ce vb cu tine, ca tu esti fata"
- by me:
"o inconstienta de`aia mai constienta"
I had a few more but didn`t write them down so .. I forgot :D ..

oh yeah .. a special feature quote..
"She`s talking anout what happened. That`s huge. You did good.
Everyone is gonna tell you that`s what we got to make her do. We gotta help her right ? Except we can`t .. we drag out her story, we tell each other that we help her heal, and feel really good about ourselfs .. but all we`ve done is make a girl cry .. "

In an other order of business, I`ve been out takin` some pictures.. of pigeons !

(click for larger images)

Mutley, you snickering, floppy eared hound.
When courage is needed, you're never around.
Those medals you wear on your moth-eaten chest
Should be there for bungling at which you are best.

So, stop that pigeon
Stop that pigeon
Stop that pigeon
Stop that pigeon
Stop that pigeon
Stop that pigeon
Stop that pigeon

Nab him
Jab him
Tab him
Grab him
Stop that pigeon now.

You, silly, stop snickering, it's not worth the chance.
For you'll be returned by the seat of your pants.
And clunk, you invent me a thingamabob
That catches that pigeon or I lose my job.

So, stop that pigeon
Stop that pigeon
Stop that pigeon
Stop that pigeon
Stop that pigeon
Stop that pigeon
Stop that pigeon

Nab him
Jab him
Tab him
Grab him
Stop that pigeon now.

.. hihi .. don`t you just love the old cartoons ? :D

OK, so this entry is getting really really long :) .. I think you`re gettin` bored.
It was a nice day, got a bit of sunburn on my nose, and my arms .. but it`s ok, cause my skin is still hangin` on .. So people, better not leave the house without sun screen, cause that sun`s a killer :P ..
Oh, almost forgot, to mention my friend Ada, and her Birthday .. Happy Birthday ! >:D< .. Hope you had a great one ;) .. the weather sure smiled for you today :D .. and last but not least .. why that entry title ? .. Just myself .. just a walk .. After the pigeon hunt and a glass of ice tea in Flowers, me and Vio went out separate ways, to our shady homes.. Got my music playin`, and started heading to the buss station. I was looking at my phone, trying to write a nice sms for Ada .. and I just got disconnected. Disconnected from the world, disconnected from my thoughts, from the people walking by me, from the noise in the street, from my feet, from my body, from everything .. I couldn`t feel myself, I couldn`t feel anything surrounding me, not the sun, not the wind, nothing .. I could only hear music, and everything was peaceful .. kept on walking by instinct .. it was like I was walking with my eyes closed. Such a great fuckin` feeling .. When I got to the post office, I realized what just happened .. and .. I was full of joy, full of happiness .. Dunno .. I just felt like no one could reach me, like I`m in another world, and I can do anything .. Felt like dancing all the way to the bus station, but I didn`t :P .. Maybe next time I will ! .. Oh yea, forgot to say I didn`t get enough sleep last night, so maybe I was just sleepwalking :)) .. Free hugs to everybody, and have a peaceful, chilly sleep ;) Maybe I`ll tell you about some of my weird dreams tomorrow .. Gn ! .. song of the day ..
An old man turned ninety-eight
He won the lottery and died the next day
It's a black fly in your Chardonnay
It's a death row pardon two minutes too late
And isn't it ironic... don't you think

It's like rain on your wedding day
It's a free ride when you've already paid
It's the good advice that you just didn't take
Who would've thought... it figures

Mr. Play It Safe was afraid to fly
He packed his suitcase and kissed his kids goodbye
He waited his whole damn life to take that flight
And as the plane crashed down he thought
"Well isn't this nice..."
And isn't it ironic... don't you think

It's like rain on your wedding day
It's a free ride when you've already paid
It's the good advice that you just didn't take
Who would've thought... it figures

Well life has a funny way of sneaking up on you
When you think everything's okay and everything's going right
And life has a funny way of helping you out when
You think everything's gone wrong and everything blows up
In your face

A traffic jam when you're already late
A no-smoking sign on your cigarette break
It's like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife
It's meeting the man of my dreams
And then meeting his beautiful wife
And isn't it ironic...don't you think
A little too ironic...and, yeah, I really do think...

It's like rain on your wedding day
It's a free ride when you've already paid
It's the good advice that you just didn't take
Who would've thought... it figures

Life has a funny way of sneaking up on you
Life has a funny, funny way of helping you out
Helping you out

Alanis Morissette - Ironic


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nu ne mai putem opri din plans .."